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Coming to your first session can provoke anxiety and discomfort due to the stress of beginning the therapeutic process. You have made the important first step of identifying that something feels wrong and that you would like to make a change to feel better. Its common to not even know what is wrong specifically and much of the therapeutic process uncovers and connects past issues that you didn't know were present in your day to day life. Its okay to not know what to talk about, to have feelings of uncertainty, or to leave feeling a bit embarrassed. 


Remember that you’ll be speaking with someone who seeks to be empathetic to what you are dealing with, who is non judgemental to how embarrassed you may be feeling or what you may be disclosing, and has brought many people just like you through the journey. This process like any other takes time and patience to unfold and is well worth the initial discomfort. 


During the first session we will be looking to assess and bring focus to the issues you are presenting with. I will be asking you a lot of questions around what brought you in and what your goals are. A basic plan and goals of treatment are necessary to direct our time towards where you want to go and how you want to feel. Therapy is an investment of time and resources to produce and come closer to your desired effect. Know that I am here to strengthen you through your emotional process and I bring my best to help get you where you want to go. 



Divers Training in Pool
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If you are experiencing a medical or psychiatric emergency, and/or if you are in crisis please call 911, go to your nearest emergency room, or call the Crisis Hotline at 1-844-493-8255.

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